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!FlHelp v1.2 (C) David Rushall 1996,1997
!FlHelp is a replacement for the standard interactive
help program, !Help.
!FlHelp is Freeware and is copyright. It can be distributed and used without
charge provided the original distribution remains intact and unaltered.
!FlHelp is supplied 'asis' and use of this software is entirely at the user's
own risk.
Like !Help, !FlHelp displays help messages from compatible applications, as
you move the pointer about the screen.
However, unlike the !Help application the !FlHelp window automatically
pops-up to the front of the screen, out of the way of the pointer, and only
takes up the height necessary to display the message. Help messages appear
after the pointer has been stationary for around 1/4 second and disappear
again after a few more seconds.
When started, !FlHelp will begin to display messages. Click on the icon bar
icon to temporarily suspend messages, and again to restart.
Press 'Menu' on the icon bar icon for further options, including:
Anti-aliased font - would you prefer the system font or a smaller
anti-aliased one to be used?
Floating help - where would you like the help to appear?
- at the top or bottom of the screen, depending on the current mouse
position (the default);
- or, 'floating' help that follows the mouse around the screen.
Pop-up delay - how long will the mouse have to be stationary before !FlHelp
displays help messages?
There are five choices, ranging from instant to about 5 seconds.
Pop-up period - how long should the help messages stay on the screen?
There are five choices, ranging from about 2 to 10 seconds.
Repeat item - would you like !FlHelp to repeat the help for the same item
more than once. If selected, !FlHelp will not repeat the help for the
same item, even if you move the mouse. To repeat the help for the item
you will have to move to another item for help, and then return to the
ALT-key mode - when selected, help messages will only be displayed while
you hold the left ALT key.
Save options - save the current settings as default for next time you run
You can only run one instance of !FlHelp at a time. If a second instance
attempts to start it will exit immediately and the first instance will resume
giving help if it has been suspended (or suspend giving help if it was
!FlHelp gives interactive help on itself.
As of version 1.2, !FlHelp looks for the standard RISC OS message inserts in
the Resources filing system, enabling it to find the correct level of
messages for you machine.
Unfortunately, if !FlHelp is unable to locate the messages file it will not
be able to function. As far as I'm aware, the file always has the same path,
but if you get an error message to the effect that !FlHelp could not find
the messages file then please adjust the following line in the !Run file, to
point to the correct location on your setup.
Set FlHelp$HelpMessages Resources:$.Resources.Help.Messages
Please let me know if you have any difficulty.
I'd like to encourage the use of Acorn's interactive help protocol - it's
disappointing when applications fail to exploit a standard that can make the
user's life much easier. Perhaps one of the reasons that it is not used as
much as it could is the rather basic !Help front-end supplied with RISC OS.
This is why I wrote !FlHelp.
If you write shareware, freeware or public-domain software and would like to
exploit interactive help in a more flexible manner, then perhaps you'd like
to use !FlHelp and distribute it along with your application. You may do
this free of charge, provided you honour the following conditions:
o Your software is shareware (with a registration fee of no more than
30 UK pounds), freeware or public domain.
o You include !FlHelp in the top-level of your distribution, not tucked
away inside your application's directory.
o The entire !FlHelp application (including this help file) is distributed
in its entirity, and unchanged.
o You make it clear, perhaps in a covering README file in the top-level
of the distribution, that !FlHelp is an independant freeware application
that is provided for the benefit of your users.
If your application includes buttons to launch interactive help, then
perhaps they could execute a command something like the following (on a
single line, I've split it here for readablity). In this way, !FlHelp will be
launched in favour of Acorn's !Help, but the latter will be used by default
if !FlHelp cannot be found.
*If "<FlHelp$Dir>"<>"" Then WimpTask <FlHelp$Dir>.!Run
Else WimpTask Resources:$.Apps.!Help.!Run
A special feature of !FlHelp is that attempting to re-launch the application
merely toggles the state of the already running instance.
This has the effect that the first time the users presses your help button,
!FlHelp will launch and begin showing help. Pressing the button again will
attempt to launch a new instance of !FlHelp which will be detected and
terminated. However, the original instance will suspend the help messages.
Pressing the button again has the reverse effect. This gives the user the
choice between clicking the !FlHelp icon bar icon or your help button to
toggle the display of interactive help.
!FlHelp uses the standard Acorn help protocol, and so should be a direct
replacement for !Help. Please contact me if you have any difficulty. If you
decide to distribute !FlHelp with your application I'll attempt to give you
preferencial treatment, with any problems or suggestions you may have.
1.0 - 28th June 1996
Initial version: pop-up to top or bottom of screen.
Anti-aliased option.
Auto-resume when second copy attempts to load.
1.1 - 20th April 1997
Floating help option.
Period help appears on screen configurable.
Option not to repeat help for same item.
Saved settings.
Non-floating help moved to right of screen.
Auto-resume changed to toggle status when second copy attempts to load.
1.2 - 25th October 1997
Improved responsiveness.
Finds latest \T inserts in !Help.
ALT-key mode: help only displayed when ALT-key is held.
Messages for standard window tools.
Configurable delayed help pop-up.
1.21 - 9th December 1997
Increased wimp_slot to 64K.
If you'd like to contact me, with comments, suggestions or questions, then I
can be found at:
Please visit my WWW home page for the latest news on this and other software
for Acorn and Psion machines.
David Rushall - November 1997